Today in the chart

Could You Work From Home As a Nurse?

Many jobs have allowed for telecommuting over recent years, but given the face-to-face nature of nursing, the possibility of working remotely seemed, well. . . remote. But this is changing rapidly.

Many jobs have allowed for telecommuting over recent years, but given the face-to-face nature of nursing, the possibility of working remotely seemed, well, remote. This is changing rapidly as the need for nursing skills moves from the realm of physical examination to more of a consulting role and that shift has created all kinds of new opportunities.

Primary Care

Telemedicine is becoming a major part of family practice medicine, as clinicians can now consult with their regular patients by phone or internet to take history, make referrals, order lab tests and radiographic imaging, and write prescriptions. Telemedicine expands the base of care, particularly in rural areas, and among the elderly and those who cannot easily travel to their medical provider. In particular, it reduces the opportunities for transmission of infectious colds and the flu as sick patients wait in a public waiting room.

Medical Case Manager

Patients with chronic conditions such as MS, diabetes, heart disease, and many other disorders need constant medical oversight — but not necessarily in the office. Remote case management by an NP or PA who reviews medications and changes in disease status and who is available for emergency consulting provides a better standard of care.

Patient Care Coordinator

Many multidisciplinary chronic care and cancer teams use coordinators as the conduit for all of the medical services needed. They work remotely, contacting the medical providers and patients to arrange all appointments, provide patient education, and ensure that all necessary paperwork is submitted prior to appointments.

Triage Nursing

Many medical organizations are using triage nurses with high levels of expertise to speak with patients by phone to determine whether they need to be seen in person or a case can be managed remotely.

Non-Clinical Positions

Nurses are needed in a wide variety of settings to provide medical consulting and other services, and increasingly these positions and employers are hiring remotely:

  • Online nursing school faculty.
  • Nursing evaluator.
  • Insurance company case managers.

          AMC Health




          Aetna & CVS Health


  • Worker’s Compensation case workers.
  • Medical education.
  • Medical writing for online news sources.
  • Pharmaceutical consulting.
  • Medical organizations.
  • Clinical research associate.

Resources for Finding Remote Nursing Jobs

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