Leo Robert
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Leo Robert
NPs, PAs Prefer Medication Reconciliation with Pharmacy Technicians
Health care providers involved with collecting medication histories in the emergency department reported significantly higher levels of satisfaction after the implementation of a pharmacy technician-d
Leo Robert
February 1, 2022
min read
Nine Opioid Formulations to Help Fight Abuse
While opioid analgesics remain a critical component of treating severe intractable pain, overdose deaths and admissions of opioid use disorder are at epidemic levels. What can you do to help?
Leo Robert
March 26, 2021
min read
Tackle Migraine and Depression at the Same Time
Migraine is independently associated with poorer health-related quality of life in the pain dimension and more severe pain symptoms in patients who have major depressive disorder, researchers found.
Leo Robert
March 26, 2021
min read
Ease Adolescent Anxiety with Mind-Body Care
Rates of anxiety disorders, the most common adolescent mental health conditions in the U.S., are increasing. Treatments including pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy can be costly, and are not panaceas.
Leo Robert
March 26, 2021
min read