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Nurse Graduates from For-Profit Programs More Likely to Fail NCLEX
The number of graduating nurses has dramatically increased over the last decade, with the largest growth observed in the for-profit sector. But a new study shows graduates from for-profit nursing prog
May 9, 2023
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Pediatric and Law Experts Define Abusive Head Trauma
Abusive head trauma, a medical diagnosis of infants and young children who suffer from inflicted intracranial and associated spinal injuries, is often misrepresented in proceedings of child abuse
March 26, 2021
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Nurses, Doctors Have Different Views on Workplace Safety, Risks to Patients
Hospitals need to promote occupational safety but doing so involves the cooperation of all the healthcare professionals on staff. But a new study suggests doctors and nurses don’t always see eye-to-ey
March 26, 2021
min read